On system start i always receive error "There was no endpoint listening at net.pipe://"

Friday, October 16, 2015 2:49:37 PM

The culprit of this message is that NetLimiter 4 Service was not started during system start. You can press the Start button to start it, but if you want to get rid off this problem, then you need to investigate it.


Very rarely this is caused by NetLimiter 4 itself, but mostly there is something else behind it. To know more, please open Control Panel\System and Security\Administrative Tools\Services\NetLimiter 4 Service and check if its Start value is set to Automatic. If it is, then please contact us about it, because there could be some problem with NetLimiter 4.

If it is set to Manual or Disabled, then other software running on your system is the culprit - it changed it to other value then Automatic. Some incompetent so-called system start accelerators do such things and you have to set them to allow NetLimiter 4 Service to start automatically during system start. In particular, we have discovered such strange behaviour with free software called 360 Total Security.