
Friday, February 12, 2021 2:44:36 PM

The concept of Tags is propably well-known to everybody. You mark an entity with simple, short, self-explaining text (a keyword) and this allows for better sorting and searching of entities.

In NetLimiter, you can use Tags to mark and group Applications.


How it works

Simply. You just assign a tag to an application and then you can create a rule for the tag and this rule will be applied to all Apps with that tag.

This feature allows users to easily and quickly group applications of same type (web browsers, games, etc.) without resorting to more complicated creation of custom filters.

How to add a tag

In Activity or in Application list select an app. For selected App there is a row in InfoView where you can edit all app's tags.

The other option is to right-click on the app in the Application list and select Edit tags from the context menu.


Where are my tags ?

Tags that are assigned to a particular app can be viewed in the Application list's Tags column and in the InfoView window.


Tag filters

For every newly created Tag, a special filter is also created. You can find list of these tag filters in the Activity directly under name Tags. If you apply any rule to this filter, the rule will be applied to all apps with the tag.

If you delete this tag filter, the tag will be removed from all the apps.

Custom tag filters

You can also create your custom filters with tags using new filter functions: Tag is and Tag is not.

Default tag filters

There are several tag filters and rules, which are created by NetLimiter by default. These are:

  • Ignore Traffic: Self-explanatory. Mark any with this tag and its traffic will be ignored by NetLimiter (thanks to an ignore rule. It is useful for apps like VPNs which often virtually double network traffic in NetLimiter.
  • Ignore Limits: Clear as-well. All limits will be ignored for any app with this tag. Useful for important system services like DNS or DHCP which need unrestricted internet access to work properly.